Wellcome to Skipper's Wharf       We are in constant demand for experienced crew

Τρίτη 17 Απριλίου 2012

Delivery dates for 2012

It is now official.

Arwen will need crew for the following deliveries.

1. 12/5/2012 Athens to Lavrion (over day)

2. 26/05/2012 Lavrion to Athens (over day)

3. 07/07/2012 Athens to Lavrion (over day)

4. 21/07/2012 Lavrion to Athens (over day)

5. 11/08/2012 Athens to Lavrion (over day)

6. 01/09/2012 Layrion to Corfou (1 week)

7. 22/09/2012 Lefkas to Kalamaki (1 week)

If any of the crew want their trip logged they must present a log book.

For those interested please contact Arwen's skipper 

Τετάρτη 4 Απριλίου 2012

Happy Easter

Arwen and her skipper is wishing all our sailing friends Happy Easter

Hydra 2012 race results

Due to extremely light winds Arwen and almost all the fleet was thrown over their time limit.
However Arwen set a new record.
She manage to reach 2 Knots at 30 Deg with only 2.6 Knots of wind!